The Key to the Secret: This book is written
for the millions of readers hungry for the near lost hidden treasure of the Ancient Wisdom Doctrine undefiled and handed down
through the ages. It is written for the reader to absorb the treasure in which the distilled aroma of profound thoughts was
gathered in order to perfume the spotlights of knowledge and fill the granaries of our minds for SUCCESS! This book acknowledges
and admires the great writers, great personalities, statesman, scientists, philosophers, moral personalities, and inventors
who opened new roads, paved the way and established order and prosperity, in order to reach new goals for the people's welfare
and renewal. The Masters of Experience and their wisdom remain a marvelous constellation, rising in radiance, at each instance
more luminous, dazzling as a glory of celestial diamonds, and ascending, as imperishable beings, mingling with the magnetic
majestic theater of the universe. So grasp the extended hands and unlock what you are destined to be, a shining example and
an illustrious and eminent ambassador and heralder of mankind. Yes, Begin with yourself, grasp the extended hands, transmit
the light and illuminate the world!
The Key to the Secret will catapult you to a whole new level of SUCCESS!
Available now!
The Key to the Secret
The Temple of the 42 Steps

The Temple of the 42 Steps!

The Temple of the 42 Steps is an exciting
thriller set against the factual backdrop of the Chinese invasion of Tibet, where the Tibetans have only one hope, one dream;
a free independent Tibet. Tyranny like hell is not easily conquered. History has taught us that the harder the conflict, the
more glorious the triumph, and the greater the reward. To prevail is to be triumphant and to rejoice forever; therefore, the
journey is well worth traveling.