All the good little Snalfrockys live and work in the Kingdom of Snalfrock
which is located in a valley of green, rich, fertile farmland. The Snalfrockys are small people, not more than 30 inches tall.
All Snalfrockys are peaceful, kind, generous, and trusting, expounding gracious hospitality to all who enter their Kingdom.
Each morning they greet the glorious near silent harmonious Sweetwater River flowing from the wilderness over the majestic
highlands. The radiant showering mist spreads over the valley landscape creating a beautiful picturesque plateau seeding and
growing the nutrients of life. The Kingdom of Snalfrock lies peacefully surrounded by other sometimes hostile Kingdoms. The
hostile Kingdoms are aware that the Kingdom of Snalfrock, being peaceful, have no army or plan of defense, however, unaware
that the Snalfrockys are protected by their super hero DGoro. DGoro Battles the Pindorians is the first in the classic
series of stories about the Snalfrockys. This book is sure to brighten up the lives of all parents and children as they are
introduced into the lives of Mayor Tension Snalfrocky, Friday Snalfrocky, Goodness Snalfrocky, and the romance of Lovely Snalfrocky
and Elliot. Romance and memorable songs highlight this first edition. Action and adventure add to the excitement as famine
plagues the neighboring hostile Kingdom of Pindora. The Pindorian Calvary gather arms and trample the ground under their iron
hooves as they thunder over the highlands followed by their legion of bowmen toward the fertile farmland growing the life
giving nutrients in the Kingdom of Snalfrock. All children will come to love the Snalfrockys as the author does and give honor
to the greatest super hero of them all.
Available now! A Delight for the Whole Family!
James De Havilland
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