Politics of Fear!
The Scams are running
Author warns caution; we must
uncork the bottle and smell the sweet aroma of “beneficial thinking”. The
highest price we the taxpayer will pay for something is to ask for it. A wise
person expounds this lesson to all parts of life. Always pay, first and last,
your entire debt. A person or nation that spends more than it has and attempts to borrow
to pay the debt is wearing the fool's cap. If the American taxpayer is wise they will dread a promised prosperity
which only loads them with more debt. The Political Party that promises
benefits in a multi- trillion dollar so-called stimulus package will only benefit the people who caused the problems. But for every benefit they receive a tax is levied against the hard-working
taxpayers. The benefits the people who caused the problem receive must be rendered
again, line for line, mortgage for mortgage, deed for deed, dollar for dollar, fee for fee, and tax for tax, on the backs of the middle class working men and women. Beware
of too much spending or should I say “legal thievery” from the taxpayer’s pockets; for it further corrupts,
worm the worms, and feeds the appetite of the parasite and the tapeworms. The parasite and tapeworm devour! Politics of “Fear” is an instructor penetrating sound judgment and intelligence and always
heralds all poverty, chaos, revolutions and wars. Fear teaches that wherever
fear appears there is rottenness. The wolves in sheep’s clothing have received seniority sticking their face in the
pig’s trough gobbling up the taxpayers’ dollars, freedom, and self-sufficiency.
A very sorrowful path has emerged giving way to the birth of more greed and corruption in the Free Enterprise System. The scams are running rampant! Anything
for a buck is the reasoning that buys politicians with no opinions for any opinion.
My politician cannot be trusted with a buck, but he is on the finance committee.
America is travelling at locomotive speed on a train marked socialism.
Let me off at the next stop marked independence! Enough of this sorrowful
path, the patience refuses to go farther! Either the political party in power cares nothing for the
hard-working American taxpayer, or they take cocaine injections in the head causing our representatives to be brain-dead.
Wise and experienced individuals
of the world know very well that it is best not to spend what you don’t have, not to borrow for future generations to
pay back, and not to reward incompetence in order to trigger more incompetence. It is always best to pay as you go along and
not accumulate and multiply the debt. A person or a Nation in debt is a slave
to its debtors. Where is America, the Neighborhood of the Great heading? How much are we
in debt from China? America is running its own debt and China and the rest will wait patiently for
the longer the payment is withheld the more compound interest and the more the debt increases on the backs of hard-working
The Government & Politicians
have gained by raiding the financial storehouse of the hard-working taxpayers and they continue receiving hundreds of favors
and rendering none. The pro-amnesty organizations are sucking the lifeblood from the taxpayer ignoring our precious constitution. And, to boot, many of these pro-amnesty organizations are nonprofits supported by
taxpayer dollars. The conspiracy among our representatives and these groups are
escalating to higher platforms. Our legislative laws have become a rope
of sand that perishes in the twisting. Legislation without laws is as good as
a Country without a constitution. WHO EVALUATES THE EVALUATOR? Damning circumstances always transpire when the evaluator neglects to evaluate the evaluator. Blame is safer than praise and all are in the blame mode. The history of persecution is a history of blame that endeavors to cheat truth, to make water run up a
hill, and to twist a rope of sand. It makes no difference whether the actors
may be many or one, a tyrant or a mob; except to say “it is time for all American citizens
to take the fool’s cap off”. We must all learn the wisdom of; “Nothing
can work me damage except myself”. The harm and hardships that we sustain
we carry about with us and become real sufferers only by our own actions, voting records, and faults. The proof is in our insurance companies, our retirements,
our wages, and the heavy taxes that burden us.
We have seen the enemy and it
is us! Currently, many of our fellow hard-working Americans sit and weep in vain
because of two words… “irresponsible government”, Current marxist policies of this administration confirms that
Irresponsible government now resides in the White House collaborating in one way or another in the overthrow
of our capitalist society and of the State institutions and free enterprise created by that society. Marxism is the founder of Socialism. Yes, these monstrous views, (i.e. socialism) and its venomous teachings.
Socialism destroys wealth. Add to it the results….outsourcing of jobs, lost
of retirement pensions, lost of our manufacturing industry, and soon, cap and trade and the destruction of the best medicare
care system in the world! The list is to long to mention. Deserving hard-working American citizen taxpayers who played by the rules must have pay
checks, not welfare checks, and must have the best medical benefits and not stay amid the ruins. It is time to return
to “Beneficial Thinking”! Yes “Beneficial Thinking” not thinking like fools’.
James De Havilland
author of the “original “Key to the Secret”, Power by Deception Wolves among Us, and the newly released
Ebook Quantum Consensus: The Plot to Break the Bank of all Banks, just to name a few invites you to http://jamesdehavilland.tripod.com for more info:
Yours for success,
James De Havilland
