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If you are in the business of caring for people in need, you need
money to do your job. Chances are that if you had a little more money, you'd be able to help more people and do your work
better. That's where Federal grants come into play. If you run an organization to help those in need, you may be eligible
to get Federal money through grant programs. However, in order to get the funding your organization needs, you must go to
the right person or agency that can give you what you want. Thus, the right approach and how to get there serves as the premise,
root, idea, concept, focus, driving force, strategy, game plan, or theme that will best lead you to your objective. Know what
you want, know who can give it to you, and know how to get there. Remember the three K's. Katch em, Keep em, Konvince em.
How do you katch em? You must allure, entice, tempt, tantalize, fascinate, captivate, attract, and make them remember. The
subject must contain the famous formula: what, who, where, when, why, and how! Over use of words like assessing, reviewing,
prioritizing, planning and strategizing trap all organizations and companies into a false set of accomplishment. Your organization
must have fast, frequent, filter-less communication targeting priorities because it implements and fuels action and mobilizes
qualified people. Your Organization must provide a clear cut, simple, direct, and innovative implementation approach toward
achieving objectives to accomplish goals ensuring program success. Then, you ask for it. The government funding! That is it!
The call to arms, the request, the command, the prescription, the contract, the bottom line, the close, they all add up to
ask for it! He who don't ask, don't get! Do not foreclose opportunity! A truly effective Grant Proposal is more than words
and a close. Your words must paint a picture the funding agency will remember! Imagery, clarity, personalizing, and emotional
appeal make the funding agency more receptive to your grant proposal! Your "Proposal Intent" puts the Spotlight on You! The
first impression of your organization is the most lasting, if it is not a good impression, you may have lost an opportunity
that may never happen again. The secret to a Winning Grant Proposal is to forward the 30 second "Proposal Intent" message,
not the Grant Proposal, to the right person for approval to send the Grant Proposal!
National/International |

Accreditation/Certification |
Start "YOUR" own Accredited Faith-Based Academy, School, Seminary, Bible Institute, College, or etc. Follow links for
exciting opportunities