Christian Council on Education,
CCE Certified Trainers Division
Council on Faith-Based Education
J.F. Guerra: STdr./Treas./Chancellor
reg/rec/filed: reg#01000579534
Institutional Integrity
"An Institution is only
as good as
it's Institutors"!

Christian Council on Education,
CCE Certified Trainers Division
New Jersey Tel:# 973-865-5186
Accreditation is both a status and a process. As a status, accreditation
provides public notification that an institution or program meets standards of quality set forth by a registered accrediting
agency, such as The Christian Council on Education, Inc. As a process, accreditation reflects the fact that in achieving recognition
by the accrediting agency, the institution or program is committed to self-study and external review by one's peers in seeking
not only to meet standards but to continuously seek ways in which to enhance the quality of education and training provided.
CCE's accrediting body publishes guidelines, policies, and procedures by which its accreditation process is carried out. It
also publishes a list of accredited programs> (Please refer to websites)
A Christian Doctrine
Accreditation/Certification Collegial Council
Each year, Christian schools are asked this question, "Are you an accredited
school?" This question will become more important in the next few years due to the major changes taking place in the Educational
The Christian Council on Education, Inc. has been organized in order that
Private and Christian schools give an affirmative answer to the question of accreditation. Accredited status is earned through
academic, technical, and overall excellence. An experienced educational peer group (Christian Council on Education) evaluates
each school; professional educators who appreciate and understand the uniqueness of your educational program and ministry.
Schools earning accreditation through The Christian Council on Education,
Inc. will appreciate the attainment of status and recognition. Accreditation is a tribute to the fact that the staff and faculty
of your school are effectively motivating students and operating a high quality educational program.
In the Private School & Ecclesiastical sector accreditation is optional.
However, many schools have seen the need for this status and have asked for a specialized accreditation program; a program
geared to their mission. They see this recognition as both a necessity and an advantage to their school. Community and Constituency
will appreciate this commitment to excellence.
The Christian Council on Education, Inc. is the Christian Doctrine Accreditation/Certification
Organization with the most prestigious, respected, legitimate, credentials!
Christian Council on Education, Inc. & its Certified Trainers Division
►C.C.E. is An Accreditation Collegial Council College of the
Christian Doctrine Arts & Letters ( Bishop & Council Of Ministers) Under Private Auspice Of Its Methods Of Administration
In Strict Compliance As To Its Administrative/Functional Purpose For Which It Was Incorporated Under and By Virtue Of Noted
Statute Of Legislative Law: reg:rec:filed:inc: nonprofit:reg:# 0100579534 Eccleasial Education only
►Our Authentic bona fide Certified Trainers Division Staff Credentials
are certified and authorized by the Board of Examiners, Dept. of Education, to administrate, supervise, and coordinate over
975+ certified occupational training programs. Staff Credentials receive formal recognition and has served in relationship/
participation to the U.S. Dept. of Labor, State Depts. of Labor, Dept. of Education, the Federal Bureau of Apprenticeship
& Training, (BAT); Business, Industry, and Labor. All studies include Eccleasial Education.
C.C.E. is an association of Private Schools and Educators organized to assist
Private and Christian Schools establish third-party witness to the credibility of their performance.
Standards will be qualitative, in contrast to quantitative. That is, approval
will be determined more by the quality of achievement than by the number of tools used in the process.
Measurements of achievement will be made by the Bishop & Council of Ministers:
who are members of the faith...the kind of people whose approval a Christian school seeks. Although there is often no relevance
in the judgments of one who is alien to a system, there is relevance in the approval of one’s peers. Inasmuch as peers
will make possible, on-site visits most closely related, both philosophically and geographically.
C.C.E. accreditation will be largely determined by a comparison between a
school’s published claims and it's actual achievements: truth-in-packaging so-to-speak. For instance, if a school claims
to produce one year of academic growth in each student, there should be documents on file to prove that result. "Does the
school accomplish what it promises?" will be the polar star of the C.C.E. inquiry. .
Every Member School and Accredited School must subscribe to the following
in faith and practice.
1. God is the eternal Creator, Sustainer, and Provider of all things. He
created the universe, man and all things in it.
2. Jesus Christ is the only-begotten, virgin-born Son of God; He lived a
sinless life, shed His blood for our sin, rose from the grave, ascended into heaven, and will return to the earth. He is the
Lord and only Mediator, our Savior.
3. The Holy Spirit convicts of sin, righteousness and judgment; in believers
he effects the new birth, indwells, fills, empowers, instructs and guides.
4. Salvation is God’s Grace received through personal faith in the
Lord Jesus Christ.
5. All men will be resurrected in the body; the saved unto life; and the
lost unto damnation.
6. Believers have spiritual unity in the Lord Jesus Christ.
7. The Bible is the inspired, only infallible, authoritative preserved Word
of God.
C.C.E. was established to recognize Ecclesiastical Educational Institutions
which have achieved a level of excellence and expertise and have established a credible reputation in the educational community.
Each accredited member school’s basic educational program must be consistent
with Christian Doctrine success. Accreditation standards must be met on a yearly basis.
(Schools that desire membership but not accreditation)
Application Contribution ...................................... $ 195.00
(due upon receipt of application)
Certificate contribution ......................…………...
$ 30.00 (due upon receipt of application)
Accreditation and/or Certification Status Plans:
Plan 1: Issue Accredited Christian Doctrine Collegial Council College Credentials:
(Bachelors/Masters/Doctorals/Ordinations: (Sacred Divinity, Theology, Church Doctrine,
Christian Doctrine, Religious Education, Ministerial Studies, Ordinations,
High School Completion and many more)
Annual Contribution: $1060 plus Christmas & Easter Tithe:
Plan 2: Issue Occupational skill training Certificates of Education/Certificates
of Mastery evaluated by our Certified Trainers Division: Annual Certification Status Contribution $1060
Plan 3: Issue both Christian Doctrine Administration Credentials &
Occupational Training Completion Certificates: Annual Contribution: ($1650) for both:
Each educational institution approved for accreditation must submit the following:
of the schools educational philosophy and mission statement. The schools educational philosophy and mission must hold to the
belief, instruction and practice of traditional Biblical values and basic educational skills. These are central in helping
students learn respect for the qualities of life needed to attain true success and to be a productive citizen of the United
2. INTERNAL ACCREDITATION STUDY REVIEW Upon accreditation, each year,
the school must submit the Internal Accreditation Self-Study Status Report ( see Accreditation Compliance) for yearly accreditation.
The school must also maintain an updated Accreditation Verification Binder, which was required at the time of accreditation
for review at any time.
3. EDUCATIONAL CERTIFICATION STATEMENT A full explanation of required
topics, which give credibility to the school program.
4. CONFIRMATION OF CREDIBILITY Confirmation of Credibility is to be provided
by each school by sending required items of certification in a Verification Binder, which prove the school’s educational
credentials and credibility.
The statement of educational institutional status gives the official name
of the institution, its purpose, general services of its desire to meet the traditional basic course guidelines for Ecclesiastical
The statement of business status gives the name of the institution, its business
address, and where it is registered in the state.
The statement of administration and staff gives the educational qualifications
and experience of the administrator and staff, of the school or institution. All administrators and educational staff personnel
must have been trained and hold some certificate from an educational training agency for their school to be considered for
The statement of the educational program gives general information concerning
the school program and curriculum used by that school.
The following items are to be submitted to confirm the credibility of the
school institution applying for accreditation:
1. A copy of the school’s letterhead, and an envelope.
2. A copy of the institution’s registration document if registered.
3. A copy of all certificates and diplomas of persons who work with the institution.
4. A copy of the institution’s brochure and enrollment information.
5. A copy of the institution’s educational program.
6. A copy of the school’s educational policies and procedures.
7. A copy of the school’s course requirements for graduation.
8. A list of the items to be found in the institutions student cumulative
9. A copy of a graduated student’s high school transcript.
10. A copy of the High School Diploma issued by the school.
11. Photographs (if any) of the educational and office facilities.
12. Three (3) letters of recommendation for accreditation.
13. A List of the basic curriculums used by the institution.
C.C.E.’s Bishop Accreditation committee must approve schools for Ecclesial
Accreditation. Our Certified Trainers Division Committee approves a school’s Occupational training Programs.
The accreditation of any member school is subject to review and may be removed
for any violation of confirmation.
Unanimous consent is required by the Bishop & Council of Ministers to
change accreditation requirements. Rules or organizational changes shall be made by Bishop.
Accredited schools will maintain an Evaluation-Check File with documentation
• Compliance with the laws applicable to them (and accepted by their
• Ecclesial achievements promised and produced.
• Yearly re-affirmation of the above.
A copy of the Evaluation-Check File will be maintained in the Bishop’s
After a school completes an Application (with required enclosures), the school
will become an Accredited Member. On-site visits may be performed and updated every five years; or after any major change
in the member school’s administration. C.C.E. reserves the right to withdraw membership or Accreditation or Certification
from any member, member school, or accredited school that departs from the scope and purpose of the association.
Application :
(Due with application)
Plan 1: Accreditation: Christian Education:
(annual accreditation)
(Due upon accreditation)
Plan 2: Certification: Occupational Education & Training:
(annual certification/occupational training)
Plan 1&2 Accreditation: Combined:
Annual Renewal Accreditation if Compliances Met:
More information…go to following link
Read Accreditation Compliance
New Jersey Office: (973) 865-5186 |
Regional Records Office: Palm Beach, Florida |